- AI Integrity RulesAt the beginning of this semester, I invited my fellow language teachers to a discussion on the principles of using …
- Teaching online or talking to a brick wall?At Polish universities we have been working online for the last 14 months. During this time I have struggled with …
- Pronunciation Practice on QuizletI remember how my students once used to call me a „pronunciation pervert”. Well, I always tell my students that …
- New Normal at Universities[Polish below] At the beginning of 2020, we still could write about the controversy surrounding the use of technology in …
- Testing During the PandemicIt has been over a month since we were on lockdown and teaching online. I have already conducted four tests …
- Peer Tutoring in My Legal English ClassroomPeer tutoring and peer evaluation activities increase the students’ engagement in the learning process. Student tutors require deeper knowledge and …
- Teaching Presentation SkillsAn Example of Good Practice Thanks to teaching legal English I heard about plain language once and have become its …
- What Makes a Good Academic TeacherHere is some food for thought on what makes a good academic teacher. Surely, this requires a a combination of …
- My Way to Boost CreativityNew ideas sometimes emerge when you are asleep and dream. Then, unfortunately, when you wake up they are gone. That’s …
- Rules and Regulations of Your Course/Regulamin kursu języka obcego[wersja polska poniżej] Students like to have clear rules about the course they attend from the very beginning. Teachers should …
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- CertyfikacjaW dniach 9-10 maja 2019 wzięłam udział w konferencji pt. Kompetencje dla XXI wieku: certyfikacja biegłości językowej na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. …
- Czy studenci chcą się uczyć języka angielskiego na lektoratach? Wyniki ankiety.Celem ankiety było poznanie opinii studentów studiów stacjonarnych na temat wymiaru godzin lektoratu języka angielskiego na uczelni wyższej. Ankieta została …
Czytaj dalej „Czy studenci chcą się uczyć języka angielskiego na lektoratach? Wyniki ankiety.”
- Do students want to learn English at university?If you have ever been wondering whether university students want to learn languages, here is some food for thought. Recently …
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- Analiza potrzeb studentów a rozwój zawodowy nauczycieliZawsze uważałam, że nauczyciele rozwijają się zawodowo, tylko jeśli sami podejmują taką decyzję. Czasami jednak okoliczności nie dają nauczycielom innego …
Czytaj dalej „Analiza potrzeb studentów a rozwój zawodowy nauczycieli”
- Empty Page and You“Sometimes empty page presents most possibilities” Paterson (a movie) Sometimes empty page presents most possibilities but you have to be …
- How to Anonymize StudentsAt the end of May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) a regulation on data protection and privacy for …
- Why I go walking…I go walking or trekking when I am short of new ideas for my writing. I go to the forest …
- How I inspire my studentsI believe that teachers inspire their students when they are enthusiastic about their work. When I started teaching legal English …
- Artificial Intelligence in Legal ProfessionCheck out these links to learn more about AI in legal profession 1. The In-house Guide to Legal Document Automationhttps://radiantlaw.com/guide-to-legal-document-automation?utm_source=LI&utm_medium=A&utm_campaign=dagg …
- Interview on studylegalenglish.comDuring my stay in Split for the EULETA (European Union Legal English Teachers Association) in September I was interviewed by …
- The Pustulka Project. Developing Online Testing Software for English for Specific Purposes.On 21 April 2018, the third day of IABL 2018 World Conference I had a pleasure to present PUSTULKA (pustulka.edu.pl/) …
- How to Exploit a Sample Clause in ClassThe clause is, for example, a standard indemnity clause like this one below: Licensee shall indemnify and hold harmless the Licensor, its affiliates and their respective officers, …
- Life Skills. What Do Employers Want from Graduates?Growing popularity of the law studies, overproduction of law graduates, and the new demands of the labour market require the …
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- Jakich umiejętności językowych szukają pracodawcy wśród absolwentów?„Będąc” doświadczonym nauczycielem akademickim i lektorem prawniczego języka angielskiego, moje zajęcia staram się prowadzić tak, aby studenci wyszli z nich …
Czytaj dalej „Jakich umiejętności językowych szukają pracodawcy wśród absolwentów?”
- KolokacjeOsoby uczące się prawniczego języka angielskiego na pewno rozumieją ogrom wysiłku, jaki należy włożyć w naukę kolokacji… Słownik Języka Polskiego …
- Memrise TutorialThis week I am going to present at the BLEC Conference „LANGUAGE AND LAW – TRADITIONS, TRENDS AND PERSPECTIVES” at …
- The Legal English Manual – a ReviewThe Legal English Manual by Alison Wiebalck, Clemens von Zedtwitz, Richard Norman and Kathrin Weston Walsh Manz, C.H. Beck, Helbing …
- Common Law Legal English and Grammar – a ReviewA new monograph on legal English by Alison Riley and Patricia Sours comes from Hart Publishing. As a legal English teacher …
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- Thank You LetterThis year I have received the most touching and memorable thank you letter from my students.Such moments do not happen …
- Share&GainWe wrześniu w Supraślu odbyły się pierwsze Międzynarodowe Warsztaty Legal English Share&Gain zorganizowane przez Wydział Prawa Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku. Jak …
- New Legal English Handbook from Hart PublishingCommon Law Legal English and Grammar A Contextual Approach Alison Riley and Patricia Sours Lord Denning, an influential but controversial …
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- TOLES 2014 ResultsToday I have had a chance to briefly analyse the results of TOLES Higher examination conducted in TOLES Examination Centre …
- Memrise ProjectW październiku 2014 roku rozpoczęłam tworzenie bazy słownictwa z zakresu Legal English potrzebnego do przygotowania się do egzaminu TOLES (Test …
- Garner the Plain English GuruIn Legal Writing in Plain English. A Text with Exercises Garner (2001) draws up a comprehensive list of principles for plain English …
- Mad Man on WritingSince not only law students need writing skills, others following business English courses might find the advice of David Ogilvy …
- George OrwellThe model for writing that is usually cited by the supporters of the Plain English Movement is George Orwell whose …
- Online plain English writing resourcesThere are many online resources which develop the skill of writing in plain English :
- Plain English vs. legaleseRecently one of my students, when she has been asked what plain English is, has remarked that plain English is …
- Decalogue of a Modern Language Teacher
- To Translate or Not to Translate? On the Use of L1 in the Legal English Classroom.As a non-lawyer Legal English teacher I do not only train students in this very specialist variety of English but …
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- Preparing Students for Delivering Poster PresentationsPoster presentations are becoming increasingly popular in the academic environment as an alternative way of presenting research results at conferences …
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- Teach, Learn and Integrate with TechnologyI can remember the day, in the late 1990s, when I first started to use e-mail. I might have, however, …
- Dekalog Dogmatyka
- Issues in Promoting Multilingualism. Teaching – Learning – AssessmentIssues in Promoting Multilingualism. Teaching – Learning – Assessment– a new publication by Foundation for the Development of the Education …
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- On Commercial AwarenessLaw graduates need very practical linguistic skills, i.e. communication skills, both written and oral, since lawyers and trainees need to be …
- Needs Analysis in ELPEach teaching situation, even within the context of tertiary English for Legal Purposes, is different. In the process of course …
- Legal English Teachers’ Visions for the FutureA little research which I conducted last year showed that Polish Legal English teachers are very ambitious. The Wordle in …
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